With the changes brought to consumer expectations brought about by the pandemic, brands & retailers must now provide a seamless experience across multiple channels to remain competitive. One of the...
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When it comes to customer satisfaction, having a single view of order is essential. A single view of order gives organizations the ability to deliver higher quality customer service by providing a comprehensive...
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Are you looking for ways to better understand your customer and their journey with your business? In a competitive marketplace, having an accurate understanding of your customers is key in developing...
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Mixed basket (sometimes referred to as mixed order) is the capability for a customer to build a basket of products available in-store, online and in other stores, then complete a single transaction,...
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When migrating to a composable platform, organisations are provided with a tremendous opportunity to offer truly personalised experiences to their customers, but only if they are capable of utilising...
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Migrating your product, category and customer data may be the most overlooked aspect when replatforming your ecommerce system landscape. If you’re replatforming from a monolithic to a composable...
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Most consumers no longer act within or even think about traditional channel boundaries, they’re also increasingly likely to evaluate brand and retailer based on the seamlessness of their experience....
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The modern consumer is everywhere, online, offline, in-store and out of store, can you meet those consumers no matter where they are? And more importantly do you have the ability to reach those consumers...
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So, why would you want to migrate your ecommerce site? Generally speaking, there are two basic drivers behind why anyone migrates, firstly the revenue you can drive from migrating, and secondly the business...
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Is it Time for a Change? All of the above can give you flexibility, scalability, faster time to market, improved CX, better optimisation and more. However these all tie back into two things; increased...
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What is MVP?     A minimum viable product (MVP) is a version of a product with the minimum required number of features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback for future product...
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If you’ve built your MVP (minimum viable product) for OMS (order management system) or at the very least, know what it will look like for you, then it’s likely you’ll want to continue improving on...
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    Listen to our CEO Shine Mathew share his expertise in tailoring online infrastructure for both short and long-term success. Join us as we discuss: - Finding advantages through flexibility - Bettering...
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