
Based on our extensive experience of working with all levels of businesses implementing various leading technology platforms, here at Ayata we have developed our Digital Domain Framework (DDF).  What this allows us to do is apply, or reuse, our detailed models to support your specific client engagement across an omnichannel range, from a single service to multiple channels.

AyataCommerce Digital Domain Framework

Our Digital Domain Framework contains multiple overlapping models that represent the various layers of digital commerce.  This covers the functional (including data), organisation and technology enablers.  Within the DDF, these models represent layers which are applied to individual client scenarios.

Joining the dots

While this framework represents the totality of what is required for digital commerce, each layer of the model is implemented individually with cross reference to related layers highlighting the areas of focus.  The framework is a growing structure, it continually expands and unfolds, evolving based on our experiences, advancements in process and technology. functional model encapsulates the features of a digital organisation cutting across departments and technology platforms. Understanding your specific requirements enables us to model the journey from current state to the desired future ready state. Having the right organisational structure is vital to the success of any business.  Our approach details  the typical digital structure for departments and roles which we then address aligned with your current needs and the roadmap to a future state. Core to tAyata Digital Domain Framework is the cross referencing of the Ayata models to technology.  We use our knowledge, experience and technology together to meet your functional and organisational needs then develop a tailor-made solution for your business, along with a prioritised roadmap to maximise the value we provide.

How we engage

It all starts with understanding the challenges, aspirations and goals of the business.  We accomplish this through a set of defined interactions that are tailored to fit the current situation.  We then apply the principles of the DDF to ensure all aspects of the requirements are considered which are then delivered as a set of artefacts that clearly outline the scope of the delivery.  Each layer is represented as a lens providing clarity, as well as the dependencies, for each group of stake holders. This starts in the very first conversation. Getting to know you, the brand and aspirations alongside goals is all essential to designing the right solution for your business.   The specifics are distilled by using our models and principals within the DDF, we apply focused lenses (“Use Cases”) based on our client’s requirements and problem areas to determine a tailor made roadmap Would you start a journey without knowing where you're going or how to get there?  Our structured approach incorporates all aspects necessary to deliver your vision! We examine everything from the requirements of management, information and data architecture, to architecture evolution, integration initiatives, analytics and detailed implementation planning. The DDF models ensures all aspects of the planned requirements are assessed. Throughout the process we build, measure and learn. Having a strategy is vital but how do we measure the expected results? Validating the success and pivoting based on outcomes is core to the programme.   Having accelerated feedback helps understand if desired outcomes are being achieved, as well as added value of providing unexpected learnings early so you can adapt based on the data.